- namespace Config
namespace Discord
- class Status
- namespace GlobalCache
- namespace Hooks
- namespace HwrSaves
- namespace Lobby
- namespace mat
- namespace Network
- namespace Platform
namespace Reflect
- class EnumValue
- class FunctionInfo
- class MetadataInfo
- class ModuleInfo
- class PropertyInfo
- class TypeInfo
- namespace Resources
- namespace Sound
- namespace WorldScript
- class array
- class Bitmap2D A bitmap handle used for rendering TGA images.
- class BitmapFont A font that can be used to create BitmapString objects.
- class BitmapString A rendered string of text from a font.
- class ButtonState The state of a button in a single update tick.
- class CollisionArea An area containing enter and exit events.
- class ColorHSV
- class const_weakref
- class ControlBindings The root object for setting and getting bindings and actions.
- class ControlMap A list of controls for a single player.
- class ControlMapBinding A binding in a ControlMap that attaches to an action.
- class ctime
- class CustomUnitScene A custom unit scene that can contain multiple UnitScene objects.
- class CustomUnitSprite
- class cvar_t Console variable type. This can be a bool, float, int, or string.
- class dictionary
- class dictionaryValue
- class DynamicExpression
- class EffectParams Container for effect parameters.
- class Environment
- class EnvironmentLight
- class Fixture A fixture of a physics body.
- class GameInput Button states for game input.
- class GameService Access to the online service, such as Steam.
- class GameSessionSave
- class GUIBuilder Class used for building GUI from definitions.
- class GUIDef Definition of a GUI resource.
- class ivec2 2-dimensional integer vector.
- class ivec3 3-dimensional integer vector.
- class ivec4 4-dimensional integer vector.
- class LanguageInfo
- class mat3 3 by 3 matrix of floats.
- class mat4 4 by 4 matrix of floats.
- class Material
- class MenuInput Button states for menu input.
- class MinimapQuery
- class MinimapSprite
- class NetworkMessage A network message that can be sent to peers.
- class pfloat
- class PhysicsBody A physics body.
- class pint
- class PlayerLoadState
- class Prefab
- class RandomSequence
- class RaycastProvider
- class RaycastResult Result of a raycast.
- class ref
- class ResourceMod
- class SaveSlot
- class ScenarioInfo
- class ScenarioModification
- class ScenarioStartLevel
- class Scene The world scene. This contains all units.
- class ScriptEnvironment
- class ScriptEnvironmentLight
- class SoundEvent A sound resource. This can play sounds in 2D and 3D. Creates SoundInstance objects.
- class SoundInstance An instance of a sound. A played sound can be located in the world, and controlled via this class.
- class Sprite An animated sprite that can be rendered on the GUI.
- class SpriteBatch Rendering object for rendering things on the GUI.
- class string
- class StringBuilder Class to efficiently build and hold strings.
- class SValue Object containing serialization information. This can be several types of data.
- class SValueBuilder Class that can create SValue objects.
- class TempTexture2D A refcounted texture handle.
- class TextInputControlEvent Event called for text input.
- class Texture2D A texture handle used for rendering PNG images.
- class Tileset Information about a point in the tileset.
- class UnitEventCallbackId
- class UnitFeed A fetcher of units from various sources. Can be connected to units or UnitSource objects in the editor in order to reference units in worldscripts.
- class UnitProducer A unit resource. This creates UnitPtr objects.
- class UnitPtr References a unit in the scene.
- class UnitScene An animated scene of a unit.
- class UnitSource An emitting source of units. UnitFeed objects can get units from this.
- class utf8string
- class vec2 2-dimensional vector.
- class vec3 3-dimensional vector.
- class vec4 4-dimensional vector.
- class weakref
- class WidgetLoadingContext Context used when building a GUI resource.
- class WorldScript An executabole worldscript.
- class Status
- class EnumValue
- class FunctionInfo
- class MetadataInfo
- class ModuleInfo
- class PropertyInfo
- class TypeInfo