UI namespace
- enum WindowFlags { NoTitleBar = 1, NoResize = 2, NoMove = 4, NoScrollbar = 8, NoScrollWithMouse = 16, NoCollapse = 32, AlwaysAutoResize = 64, NoSavedSettings = 256, MenuBar = 1024, HorizontalScrollbar = 2048, NoFocusOnAppearing = 4096, NoBringToFrontOnFocus = 8192, AlwaysVerticalScrollbar = 16384, AlwaysHorizontalScrollbar = 32768, AlwaysUseWindowPadding = 65536, NoNavInputs = 262144, NoNavFocus = 524288, UnsavedDocument = 1048576, NoDocking = 2097152, NoNav = 786432, NoDecoration = 43, NoInputs = 786944 }
- Window flags that can be passed to UI::
Begin(). - enum ComboFlags { None = 0, PopupAlignLeft = 1, HeightSmall = 2, HeightRegular = 4, HeightLarge = 8, HeightLargest = 16, NoArrowButton = 32, NoPreview = 64 }
- Combo flags that can be passed to UI::
BeginCombo(). - enum SelectableFlags { None = 0, DontClosePopups = 1, SpanAllColumns = 2, AllowDoubleClick = 4 }
- Selectable flags that can be passed to UI::
Selectable(). - enum Cond { Always = 1, Once = 2, FirstUseEver = 4, Appearing = 8 }
- Conditions for certain UI set operations.
- enum DockNodeFlags { None = 0, KeepAliveOnly = 1, NoSplit = 16, NoDockingInCentralNode = 4, NoResize = 2, PassthruCentralNode = 8 }
- enum Dir { None = 0, Left = 0, Right = 1, Up = 2, Down = 3 }
- auto GetID(const string& id) -> uint32
- Gets an ID in the current scope.
- auto Begin(const string& title, int32 flags = UI::WindowFlags::NoCollapse) -> bool
- Begins an imgui window.
- auto Begin(const string& title, bool& open, int32 flags = UI::WindowFlags::NoCollapse) -> bool
- Begins an imgui window.
- void End()
- Ends an imgui window.
- void SetNextWindowSize(int32 w, int32 h, Cond cond = UI::Cond::Appearing)
- Sets the size for the next window created with UI::
Begin(). - void SetNextWindowPos(int32 x, int32 y, Cond cond = UI::Cond::Appearing, float pivotx = 0.0f, float pivoty = 0.0f)
- Sets the position for the next window created with UI::
Begin(). Pivot floats can be used to align the window on the given point. - void SetNextWindowDockID(const string& id, Cond cond = UI::Cond::Appearing)
- Sets the docking container for the next window created with UI::
Begin(). - void PushID(const AnyType&)
- Pushes an ID to the stack.
- void PushID(const string& id)
- Pushes an ID to the stack.
- void PopID()
- Pops an ID from the stack.
- void SameLine()
- Marks the next control to be drawn on the same line as the last one.
- void NewLine()
- Marks the next control to be drawn on the next line rather than the current line.
- auto Button(const string& label) -> bool
- Clickable button. Returns true if it was clicked.
- void Text(const string& text)
- Simple text label.
- void TextColored(const vec4& color, const string& text)
- Simple text label with a specific color.
- void TextDisabled(const string& text)
- Simple text label, but in its disabled color.
- void Bullet()
- Bullet part of BulletText.
- void BulletText(const string& text)
- Simple text label with a bullet before it.
- void LabelText(const string& label, const string& text)
- Text label with a value.
- void PlotLines(const string& label, array<float>* values)
- Line graph.
- auto Checkbox(const string& label, bool value) -> bool
- Checkbox. For value, pass the current value. The return value is the new value.
- auto BeginMenuBar() -> bool
- Begins an imgui menu bar.
- void EndMenuBar()
- Ends an imgui menu bar.
- auto BeginMenu(const string& label, bool enabled = true) -> bool
- Begins an imgui menu.
- void EndMenu()
- Ends an imgui menu.
- auto MenuItem(const string& label, const string& shortcut = "", bool selected = false, bool enabled = true) -> bool
- Clickable menu item. Returns true when clicked.
- void Separator()
- A separator.
- auto TreeNode(const string& text) -> bool
- Node in a tree list. Returns true if opened.
- void TreePop()
- End of the previously tree node. Must only be called if TreeNode() returned true.
- auto CollapsingHeader(const string& label) -> bool
- Collapsable header. Returns true if open.
- auto IsItemHovered() -> bool
- Returns true if the mouse is hovering the previous control.
- void BeginTooltip()
- Begins a tooltip dialog.
- void EndTooltip()
- Ends a tooltip dialog.
- auto BeginPopupContextItem(const string& id) -> bool
- Begins a popup context item.
- void EndPopup()
- Ends a popup.
auto BeginCombo(const string& label,
const string& current,
ComboFlags flags = UI::
ComboFlags:: None) -> bool - Begins a combo box.
auto Selectable(const string& label,
bool selected,
SelectableFlags flags = UI::
SelectableFlags:: None) -> bool - Represents a selectable item. Could be inside of a combo box.
- void SetItemDefaultFocus()
- Puts default focus on the last added item.
- void EndCombo()
- Ends a combo box.
- auto InputInt(const string& label, int32 num, int32 step = 1) -> int32
- Input integer. Returns the new value.
- auto InputFloat(const string& label, float num, float step = 1.0f) -> float
- Input float. Returns the new value.
- auto InputFloat2(const string& label, vec2 v) -> vec2
- Input 2D vector. Returns the new value.
- auto InputFloat3(const string& label, vec3 v) -> vec3
- Input 3D vector. Returns the new value.
- auto InputFloat4(const string& label, vec4 v) -> vec4
- Input 4D vector. Returns the new value.
- auto InputColor3(const string& label, vec3 color) -> vec3
- Input color. Returns the new value.
- auto ColorPicker3(const string& label, vec3 color) -> vec3
- Color picker. Returns the new value.
- auto SliderInt(const string& label, int32 num, int32 min, int32 max, const string& format = "%d") -> int32
- Integer slider. Returns the new value.
- auto SliderFloat(const string& label, float num, float min, float max, const string& format = "%.3f") -> float
- Float slider. Returns the new value.
- auto SliderFloat2(const string& label, vec2 v, float min, float max, const string& format = "%.3f") -> vec2
- Vec2 slider. Returns the new value.
- auto SliderFloat3(const string& label, vec3 v, float min, float max, const string& format = "%.3f") -> vec3
- Vec3 slider. Returns the new value.